Friday 2 January 2015

first lesson html5canvas

html5 canvas first tutorial

html is the standard language for presenting content on the world Wide web. we want to show "hello World " on a web page ,then html is responsible for presentation of content.If we want to give some style to "hello world" then we use CSS.
CSS is the language for styling of the content.If we want to animate"hello world" then we use javascript. in brief words: html for content css for style javascript for functionalityhtml consist of some tages. these tags are used to handle data.These tags are  Every web page is enclode in html tag.HTML tag  following structure.
Every web page can be considered a big carton, whose label is html.In this 
carton,there are two major cartons in html carton.these are head and 
HEAD Head container can conatins other container.Such as title, link,script,meta tags .
In head section things are hidden .
they are not visible in browser except title which is shown on browser  bar.
Body tag is responsible for presentation of data.It can contain many other tags or
Simple Web Page Structure:
Simplest web page will contain following tags and structure.

Every web page is saved with .html extension. If we save our page with the name
 helloworld. we will give it extension helloworld.html. After saving the file, 
 we can open it in web clicking the file,we can open web page by writing the
 address  of  file  in web browsers.
If file address is  
then we will write  

In address bar of browser. we will see "helloworld" .web page  in  our browser

live demo on codepen
    Hello World 
See the Pen ByxQGw by aslam (@aslamwaqar) on CodePen.

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